Once Upon A Paige
Kitten caboodle
Hardcover book for children, ages 4 to Forever
Written by Paige Grant
Illustrated by Lisa Carol Williams
Published by Azro Press
A little girl’s family rescues a litter of abandoned kittens. The child learns the joys of kitten company, and also that loving cat owners get their pets fixed so there aren’t so many unwanted kitties in the world.
This story features an Anglo-Hispanic family with an introduction to some endearing Spanish expressions. The book is filled with over 40 pages of rich, colorful illustrations based on a southwestern theme.
ISBN 978-1-929115-24-2 $19.95
To order: [email protected]
Written by Paige Grant
Illustrated by Lisa Carol Williams
Published by Azro Press
A little girl’s family rescues a litter of abandoned kittens. The child learns the joys of kitten company, and also that loving cat owners get their pets fixed so there aren’t so many unwanted kitties in the world.
This story features an Anglo-Hispanic family with an introduction to some endearing Spanish expressions. The book is filled with over 40 pages of rich, colorful illustrations based on a southwestern theme.
ISBN 978-1-929115-24-2 $19.95
To order: [email protected]
2014 Winner of ZIA Award
First Place Award for Children's Picture Books
The Zia Award was started in 1953 to honor an outstanding woman in New Mexico media. Each year the award rotates to one of three categories: nonfiction, fiction, and children’s literature.
First Place Award for Children's Picture Books
The Zia Award was started in 1953 to honor an outstanding woman in New Mexico media. Each year the award rotates to one of three categories: nonfiction, fiction, and children’s literature.